Project code 2020-1-EL01-KA201-078810
Az Erasmus+ program keretén belül iskolánk részt vesz a “Let’s know each other: Strategy for the Equity Inclusion of Roma Students” nemzetközi pályázatban az alábbi országokat képviselő szervezetekkel közösen: Bulgária, Görögország, Portugália és Olaszország.
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1st Report
Let’s know each other: Strategy for the Equity Inclusion of Roma Students
Project code 2020-1-EL01-KA201-078810
Gymnasio Zipariou, Kos, Greece
ICON Greece
VEM, Italy
Vocational High School of Transport and Transport Management, Bulgaria
Agrupamento de Escolas de São João da Talha, Portugal
Centro Concertado Leonardo da Vinci, Spain
Szolnoki SZC Klapka György Technikum és Szakképző Iskola, Hungary
Testvérvárosok Baráti Egyesülete, Hungary
The 1st Erasmus+ Kick off Meeting was held between 20 – 23 of September in 2021, at Concertado “Leonardo da Vinci”, Los Belones, Spain.
The project aims is to create a learning community based on training especially focusing on helping break down the barriers and attitudes that result Roma communities improving the outcomes for this group. Also, the partners want to raise awareness of the importance of intercultural dialogue among European citizens in order to contribute to foster an active European citizenship – cosmopolitan and with respect for diversity.
It was the first time that the representatives of the project’s consorcium could meet each other. As there isn’t hotel where the school is located, the participants stayed in Cartagena.
The participants of the first meeting arrived on the 19th and 20th of September, most of them by plane. On Monday, 21st of September 2021, the guests – 2 participants from each organization - were welcomed at the school. The Spanish coordinator introduced the management of the school, the headteacher, Maria Concepcion Donate Legaz opened the first meeting. Each guest got the program, name card then each country prepared a short introduction, a presentation of the team, their country, city and school/organization and brought prospects, leaflets and some gifts.
The next day we exchanged our practices about Roma inclusion, Roma and education, policies and strategies for Roma education and focused on and clarified important aspects:
- Agreement on work plans
- Allocation of tasks
- Agreement on targets and deadlines
- Development of evaluation strategy
- Agreement on financial arrangements
- Confirmation of contractual arrangements between the coordinator and partners.
The host school invited us for a good lunch and we could enjoy the traditional Spanish cuisine. After lunch a guided tour was organized to know and see the famous sights of Cartagena, e.g. Roman theater, ruins of Pun wall. In the evening we took part in an important celebration in the city, it included a parade in which locals wore Roman and local folk costumes and relived the history of the Second Punic War.
We think, the collaboration, environment and atmosphere in which the meetings were held was excellent. New perspectives and values have been broaden, our experience has been good to think about the differences and similarities among countries and people, racism, ignorance and prejudice has been reduced.